Team [UKoM] Online Gamers
Welcome to Old-School Mercenarys Team [UKoM] Gaming Website.
If You are a Gamer and you enjoy Online Gaming, you are welcome to join Team [UKoM]
Game Servers
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Punkbuster communication problem
20.11.2021, 21:06 by Micky (3 replies)
I got it working, I had PunkBusterA/B installed and it was up to date.
The problem was in Windows security firewall allowed...
No servers in game favourites
28.02.2021, 16:35 by Joe90 (2 replies)
Hey thanks I have servers in my game favourites now.
My profile was /004 so I added the general.con there, I guess the others...
Battlefield 2142 post GameSpy
16.10.2020, 12:20 by RudeRen (no replies)
Welcome all gaming Veterans!!
Old-School Mercenarys now host Ranked Battlefield 2142 servers and Master-Stats server.